Copywriting Solutions

Copywriting solutions to connect you with your customer

Sales Copywriting

Writing about features and benefits isn't enough. Write about them to identify with your audience.

Savvy consumers of today demand targeted sales efforts to win them over. As a result, a significant part of marketing strategies includes sales copywriting.

You have less than five seconds to engage with your audience. Which means, the copy on your landing page must include the information your customer needs.The goal is for your customer to read on and find out more. So, the more relevant the information you provide is, the longer they'll linger on your page. The more time spent on your page, the more likely it is they'll decide to buy.

When you include copywriting in your marketing plan, it adds support to your brands' image. Your message, crafted to speak to your audience drives them to do business with you.

SEO Copywriting

SEO copywriting is crafted to get you noticed by search engines.

Well crafted SEO copywriting will get you noticed by search engines. We'll use the same techniques to connect with your customer as in sales copywriting. With the added benefit of focused key phrases and website formatting.

Page titles and headlines, written to search engine standards will boost your rankings. Landing page descriptions with a keyword focus will make finding your site easier. Which means you'll have a higher organic reach for your website.

SEO copywriting is a powerful addition to supercharge your web ranking efforts. Search engines aren't looking for quantity content but original high-quality content. With that in mind, we have to write for your audience and include SEO strategies. Starting with SEO copywriting gives your brand the required edge in today's market.

Blog writing keeps your audience informed about news and events, and your website fresh with original content.

Blogging is time-consuming for busy businesses. That's why many companies choose to hire a copywriter for this task.

Blogging is an excellent way to rank your website. Adding relevant topics to your site increases the odds of being found in searches. But, blogging isn't always in writing.

Video blogging or "vlogging" also has a significant impact on your website. With vlogging, you expand your market reach and add content to your site. You'll broaden your marketing efforts by reaching out to your audience in different ways.

You'll receive a list of relevant topics about your industry for upcoming blogs. Your blog to be easy to read, well researched and will serve its intended purpose — to drive traffic to your site.